Powerful Quotes By Lord Krishna Most Inspirational Quote
Do you want some spiritual and inspirational quotes? Are you believe in Lord Krishna?
This whole list of Hindi quotes and images are just for you. The quotes by Shree Krishna are from the Bhagavad Gita. In the Bhagavad Gita, tells all about Dharma to Karma for our life. Trust me! These quotes are extremely Powerful and Motivational.
God Shree Krishna is the eighth avatar of God Vishnu. Bhagwan Shree Krishna describes wisdom, love, and intellect. God Vishnu is a supreme God in Hinduism In India. In the life of Krishna, We can learn lots of lessons to live life peacefully and happily.
Here, We provide you best quotations of Lord Krishna and his awesome thoughts on life in Hindi. With the beautiful Krishna images in the background, words like toches your heart.
Yashaswi Chauhan
I need many quits like these to understand many things of life....тШ║тШ║тШ║тШ║