Funny Status In Hindi | Love Comedy Whatsapp Status 2024


Are you searching for Funny Whatsapp Status? Need some Hindi comedy status to make someone laugh?

Then probably you are on the right Whatsapp status website. We provide you a huge collection of latest funny status in Hindi. I hope you will enjoy this humorous, sarcastic, lovely jokes and make your people laugh.

People are bored some time from their work routines. They need some humorous environment for their mental health. So, we collected these best funny short statues to enjoy yourself with a big smile and share on WhatsApp, too. We love to share some lol funny images to make you laugh more and more.

Funny Status

ये☝️ आजकल की लड़किया👧👧 भी ना..
साँसे कम👇 और सेल्फ़िया🤳 ज्यादा☝️ लेती है😃😃

These days girls are also not .. Breath less and selfies take more!
Funny Status In Hindi 2 Line

पर जब कभी दारू🍷🍷 पीने बैैठ जाता हूँ,
साले सब चले आते है...😃😂

But whenever I go to drink wine, Brother-in-law, everyone comes… 😃😂
Funny Status

लगता था की उनसे☝️ बिछड़ेंगे तो मर जायेगे😃❤️😃,
कमाल का वहम था👧,
साला बुखार तक नहीं⚔️ आया..😄 😄

It seemed that if you parted with them, you would die, That was a wonderful treat, Sala fever did not come..😄 😄
Funny Status In Hindi 2 Line

किसीसे दिल❤️❤️ लगाने से बेहतर है☑️☑️,
की बन्दा पुरे घर में झाड़ू लगा ले😄😄...

It is better to have a heart than someone, Let's sweep the entire house ...

😂 Best Comedy Status Lines 2020 😂

Best Comedy Status Lines 2019

अपने☝️ पास हर चिज का सोल्यूशन है☑️☑️,
बस☝️ प्रॉब्लम दुसरें की होनी चाहिए😄😄😂 !!

We have a solution for every thing, Just the problem should be different! !!
Funny Status

कुछ #Boys ऐसी☝️ दर्दभरी शायरी❤️❤️ करते है,
जैसे फेफड़े बेचकर💰💰 अपने प्यार❤️ का घर🏠 बसाया हो😄😄..

Some #Boys do such painful shayari, For example, by selling lungs, you have established a house of love ..
Funny Whatsapp Status

इस Pure संसार🌎 में सिर्फ एक☝️ पानवाला सच्चा इंसान है☑️☑️,
जो हमसे पूछकर ही☑️ चुना लगाता है😂😂 !!

In this pure world, there is only one true human being, Who asks us to choose him !!
Funny Whatsapp Status

शादी👰 के बाद दूसरे की #Bivi ☑️ Hamesha ज्यादा खूबसूरत👌 लगती है #TrueFact😄🤤.

After marriage, the other's #Bivi ames Hamesha looks more beautiful # TrueFact😄🤤.
Funny Status In Hindi 2 Line

सुनो👂 तुमसे☝️ इतना ही है कहना😊 #say.. क तुम मुझसे दुर⚔️ ही रहना😂😄

Listen, that's all you have to say #say .. that you stay away from me
Funny Status

जो☝️☝️ आपकी जिंदगी❤️ में कील बनकर बार-बार चुभे⚔️⚔️..
उसे एक☝️ बार हथौड़ी बन कर ठोक दो😂😂😂

whatever in your life, piercing repeatedly as a nail .. Hit him once as a hammer
Funny Whatsapp Status

🐶कुत्तों🐶 को देशी घी, 👧लङकियों👧 को सच्चा प्यार❤️❤️,
कभी हज़म नही⚔️ होता😂😊 !!

Ghee native to dogs, true love to girls, Never digests !!
Funny Status In Hindi

💑☝️एक चाहने Vala ऐसा हो☑️,
Ke Wo जो 💖बिल्कुल💖 मेरे जैसा हो☑️😃

ने want a Vala to be like this, Ke Wo who is like me at all
Funny Status

बचपन " Handwriting✍️ " सुधारने में गुज़र गया और ज़िन्दगी ⌨️keyboard⌨️ पर बीत रही है।

Childhood went on improving 'Handwriting✍️' and life is spent on ⌨️keyboard⌨️.

🤣 Funny Status 🤣

Funny Status

शराब 🍺 एक बुराई‬ है आओ इसे खत्म करे,
एक बोतल तुम पीयो🍷 एक ‪‎बोतल‬ हम पिए🍷 😋!!

Alcohol is an evil, let's end it, You drink a bottle, we drink a bottle !!
Funny Whatsapp Status

अंग्रेजी की 📚किताब📚 बन गई हो तुम,
पसंद👍 तो आती हो पर समझ् में नहीं🤨🤨 !!

You have become a book of English, Likes you come but don't understand !!
Funny Whatsapp Status

तू सवाल नहीं❌, तू पहेली है,✔️ मेरी मंज़िल तू नहीं❌, तेरी सहेली है👧🏼👧🏼 !!

You are not a question, you are a puzzle, you are not my destination, your friend is !!
Funny Whatsapp Status

जिससे 💕मोहब्बत💕 की वो भी ⭐सलमान⭐ की फेन निकली,
दिल में आती है✔️ पर समझ में नहीं❌ !!

With which Mohbabat's fame also came out. Comes to heart but don't understand !!
Funny Whatsapp Status

सुनो👂 जान🥰,
ज़रा तमीज से पेश आ,
😏 मेरा चाइना वाला मूड है जो कभी भी खराब हो सकता है😃😃 !!

Listen, Just treat yourself, 😏 I have a china mood that can go bad anytime !! !!

😸 Funny Whatsapp Status 😸

Funny Whatsapp Status

वो अपनी #DP👧🏼 बदल बदल के थक गई😏😏,
लेकिन हम भी ढीढ है की आजतक #Nice Dp नहीं बोला😃😃😃 !!

She got tired of changing her # DP👧🏼, But we are also stubborn that Aaj Tak #Nice Dp did not speak !!
Funny Status In Hindi

Unmarried ⚯ होने का सबसे बड़ा नुकसान😏 Do you Know?😄😄
आप Apne Bed के दोनों तरफ से गिर सकते है😃😃 !!

The biggest disadvantage of being unmarried ⚯ Do you know? 😄😄 You can fall from both sides of Apne Bed. !!
Funny Status In Hindi

जिन्दगी सिर्फ तब तक 💎खूबसूरत💎 है जबतक कोई खुबसूरत कन्या ना मिले😃😃

Life is only beautiful until no beautiful girl is found
Funny Status In Hindi

जिसे पूजा था हमने वो खुदा तो न बन सका❌❌,
हम ईबादत करते करते फकीर हो गए😀😀 !!

The one who was worshiped, we could not become God, We became so proud while praying !!

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