Sad Status | Sad Whatsapp Status In Hindi With HD Images


Have you broken up with girlfriend/boyfriend and feeling sad alone? Are you in a painful situation of sad love and need to share your feeling to everyone?

So, here all types of sad love statuses(Hindi) are available in this post. All you have to do is pick one of sad feeling related status from the list given below. Best Of Best Sad Status Hindi Images are available in this post.

To easily express your sorrow, loneliness, sadness, and emotions using this sad status for Whatsapp.

Sad Status In Hindi for lovers: Nowadays, When girlfriends/boyfriend break their relationship then, heart makes so hard to forget your lover. To explain his/her pain of a breakup in words, This Whatsapp status for sad emotion is very useful to them.

Sad WhatsApp Status in Hindi: We create a huge collection of feeling low (Sad/Alone) WhatsApp status for you. All Whatsapp statuses are in the Hindi Language that makes far better from English for Indians. For Indian People, It makes you feel our own while you share Sad Status In Hindi to social media and friends.

If you are tired of sharing a sad status in words then here you have a choice of download the nice and new images of sad status.

Sad Life Status In Hindi

#Trust भरोसा जितना कीमती💸💸 होता है☑️धोका उतना ही महँगा हो जाता है😔😔

# Trust The more valuable the trust, the more expensive the money becomes.
Sad Love Status

खुदको मेरे 💘दिल❤️ में ही छोड़ गई हो👇🏻
तुझे तो ठीक से बिछड़ना भी नहीं❌❌ आया😟😟

You have left me in my heart You didn't even have to be separated properly.

🍂 Sad Whatsapp Status 🍂

Sad Whatsapp Status

😕#मिलता तो बहुत कुछ है ज़िन्दगी में💘🌹 PAR #हम गिनती उसी की करते है जो हासिल❌ना हो सका😢😢

😕 # There is a lot in life 💘🌹 PAR # We count only what could be achieved 😢😢

🤔 Sad Status 🤔

Sad Status

किसी को 💘#Pyar💘 करो तो इतना करों की उसे जब भी #Pyar मिलें😿😿, तो तुम याद आओ😟😟

Make someone Py # Pyar💘, then do so much that whenever he gets #Pyar, you will remember

🌇 Sad Status 🌇

Sad Status

आपको ज़ीद हे अगर हमे भूलने की तो,
😅😅 हमे भी ज़ीद हे आपको अपनी याद दिलाने की😊😊 !!!!

You want to forget me, भी We also want you to remind me, Zeeed !!!!

👧🏻 Sad Status In Hindi 👧🏻

Sad Status In Hindi

उनके हाथ🖐️ पकड़ने की मजबूती जब ढीली हुई तो एहसास हुआ शायद😏 ये वही जगह है जहां रास्ते बदलने है😏😏 ...

When the strength of holding his hand was relaxed, he realized that maybe this is the place to change the way ...

😌 Sad Whatsapp Status 😌

Sad Whatsapp Status

अब शिकायतेँ #Tum से नहीँ खुद👇🏻👇🏻 Se है☑️ माना के सारे #Juth तेरे थे..😏😥 लेकिन उन पर Yakin तो मेरा था😥🤨

Now the complaints are not from the #Tum itself, Se hai mana means all the #Juth was yours..😏😥 but Yakin was mine on them
Sad Love Status

इश्क़ ️️ सिर्फ़ मुझे हुआ था🤨🤨,
उसे तो कुछ पल का नशा हुआ था🥰🥰 ।

Ishq only happened to me, He had a few moments of intoxication.

😌 Sad Love Status 😌

Sad Love Status

हमने तो एक ही शख्स पर चाहत ख़त्म कर दी .. अब मोहब्बत किसे कहते है मालूम नहीं..

We have ended the desire on one person .. Who do not know love now ..

🌇 Sad Life Status In Hindi 🌇

Sad Life Status In Hindi

इस दुनिया मेँ अजनबी रहना ही ठीक है,
लोग बहुत तकलीफ देते है अक्सर अपना बना कर !!

It is okay to be a stranger in this world, People suffer a lot often by making their own !!
Sad Life Status In Hindi

कुछ 🌹कहानियाँ Pen से लिखी ✍ जाती ❤ है... तो 😔 कुछ 😰Pain 😰😭से

Some of the stories are written with Pen… So 😔 some 😰Pain like this
Sad Life Status In Hindi

वाह वाह कहने की आदत डाल लो दोस्तों,
मैं मोहब्बत में अपनी बर्बादीयाँ लिखने वाला हूँ ।

Get used to saying wow guys, I am going to write my waste in love.
Sad Life Status In Hindi

देख कर उसको तेरा यूँ पलट जाना,
... नफरत बता रही है तूने मोहब्बत गज़ब की थी.

Seeing him turn your back like this, ... hate is telling you that you have loved it.
Sad Life Status In Hindi

मेरे👇🏻 घर से मयखाना इतना करीब न❌❌ था,
🙍ऐ दोस्त कुछ लोग दूर हुए तो मयखाना😿 करीब आ गया😿😿

The food was so close to my home, दोस्त When some friends got away, the restaurant came closer.
Sad Life Status In Hindi

ख़्वाहिशों💭💭 का कैदी हूँ❌❌,
#Mujhe हकीक़तें सज़ा देती हैं😔😟

I am a prisoner of wishes, #Mujhe Reality punishes 😔😟
Sad Life Status In Hindi

टूटता हुआ तारा🌠🌠 सबकी दुआ पूरी करता है☑️, क्यों के उसे टूटने💔का #DARD मालूम होता है✅

A falling star completes everyone's blessings, because they seem to have a #DARD to break up.
Sad Life Status In Hindi

मोहब्बत ज़िंदगी बदल देती है,
मिल जाए तो भी ना मिले तो भी..!!

Love changes life, Even if you do not get it .. !!
Sad Life Status In Hindi

जो कभी मेरी उदासी की वजह पूछा करता था अब उसको मेरे रोने से भी फर्क नहीं पढ़ता।

Who used to ask me the reason for my sadness, now he does not even read the difference from my crying.
Sad Life Status In Hindi

मैं👇🏻 कभी किसीको अपने ❤️❤️दिल से दुर नही❌❌ करता,
😔बस जीनका☝️ ❤️❤️दिल भर जाता है, वो मुजसे👇🏻 दुर हो जाते हैँ😔😔

I never hurt anyone with my heart, Just like that, the heart gets filled up, they go away.
Sad Life Status In Hindi

इतनी ठोकरे देने के लिए शुक्रिया ए-ज़िन्दगी,
चलने का न सही सम्भलने का हुनर तो आ गया ।

Thank you for pushing so much, The skill to walk properly has arrived.
Sad Life Status In Hindi

खता 😞उनकी भी नही है वो भी क्या😴 करती हजारो चाहने वाले थे किस-किस से वफ़ा करती

He does not have any account, what he would have wanted thousands of people to do, whom he would have disbelieved
Sad Life Status In Hindi

उसकी 💘🌹मोहब्बत भी ☁️बादलो☁️ की तरह निकली,
छायी💘🌹 मुझ👇🏻 पर और 🌧️बरस🌧️ किसी और पर गयी😔😔

His love also turned out to be like the latter, The shadow went on me and Iberus on someone else

Comments (1)

  • M


    Also new have sad Love shayari thank you sir

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